成立于1954年, Bishop Blanchet was the first 天主教 co-ed high school in the Archdiocese of 西雅图. 有超过16个,000名公民校友, 专业人士和社区领袖, we have a tradition of excellence and are committed to educating the whole student to be prepared for college, 和生活, 专注于信仰, 奖学金与服务.
你的独特才能 & 礼物
在皇冠现金官网hgze新站, 每个学生都有机会探索和深化他或她的学术, 课外活动和精神兴趣, 同时成为我们快乐的一部分, 动态, 多元化和充满信仰的社区. 请查看我们网站的许多不同部分, 以及社交媒体平台, 更多地了解我们的学校. 我们相信您会对这里发生的一切感到惊讶, 位于绿湖社区的中心, 离西雅图市中心只有几分钟的路程!
皇冠现金官网hgze新站 boasts an exceptional academic program that prepares 学生 for the rigors of college and beyond. 学校提供广泛的大学先修课程(AP)和荣誉课程, providing 学生 with the opportunity to challenge themselves and explore subjects in greater depth.
BBHS的AP和荣誉课程旨在培养批判性思维能力, 鼓励求知欲, 培养对学习的热爱. These courses not only provide 学生 with a competitive edge in college 招生 but also equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in higher education. 除了严格的课程作业, 皇冠现金官网hgze新站还提供全面的学习支持服务. Dedicated teachers and staff provide personalized assistance to 学生 who may need extra help, ensuring that every student has access to the resources necessary to thrive academically.
你将如何度过课外时间? 我们不仅有50多个学生经营的俱乐部和活动, 我们有艺术方面的课外活动机会, 校园事工及学生领导. 是否在上学前, 放学后, at lunch or in community period - groups of 学生 with similar interests meet up when not in class, 与他们的节目主持人联系并推进他们的目标. 每个人都有适合自己的东西, and we highly encourage 学生 to be 订婚了 both in the classroom and outside of the classroom, 度过最有意义的高中时光, 以及学习技能和为未来做准备.
在主教皇冠99hg现金网,对团队合作的强调超越了这项运动本身. 学生s are encouraged to support and celebrate their peers across different athletic programs, 在整个学校培养团结和体育精神的文化. The collective spirit of teamwork serves as a driving force that not only enhances athletic performance but also strengthens the overall sense of community here at 皇冠现金官网hgze新站.
我们的球队一直在大都会联赛中名列前茅, 全州竞争最激烈的分区之一. 拥有超过185个城市冠军和许多最近的州冠军, 我们的运动员定期在大学水平继续他们的运动. 每个赛季至少提供两项非删节运动, 有一种方法可以让每个水平的运动员都参与进来.
Regardless of our great results in competition, athlete's academics and safety come first! 我们致力于健身, 安全协议以及在所有学生运动员中优先考虑“学生”.
信仰在BBHS占有突出地位,渗透到我们社区的各个方面. 全年都有特别的静修活动, 为学生提供精神反思和成长的专用时间. These retreats offer an opportunity for 学生 to deepen their relationship with God and strengthen their faith journey.
服务社区是学校以信仰为中心的理念的一个组成部分. 学生积极参与各种服务项目, 自愿奉献自己的时间和才能,为有需要的人带来积极的影响. 通过这些服务行为, 学生们学会了同情心的重要性, 同理心, 以及基督徒爱和服务他人的呼召.
祷告时间, 反射, and 质量es are regularly scheduled into the school day to provide 学生 with 机会 to gather as a faith community.
皇冠现金官网hgze新站 offers an exceptionally comprehensive and rich student life experience that fosters personal growth and empowers 学生 to explore their passions, 拓展视野, 建立终身的友谊.
当学生们在项目上合作时,学校充满活力的校园充满了活力, 展示他们的才华, 并参加友好比赛. 课堂之外, the school encourages 学生 to become active participants and leaders in the community, 向他们灌输责任感和对他人的同情心.
有四个合唱团, 两个乐队, award winning musical and dramatic theatre arts productions and dozens of elective options in fine arts, 表演艺术与音乐, it’s no surprise that BBHS is at the top of the list for 学生 seriously interested in pursuing the arts.
不管你是演员, 舞台管理或对布景设计或服装感兴趣, BBHS gives 学生 the opportunity to produce professional quality theatre productions--our musicals are even held in downtown 西雅图’s famed Moore Theatre. 我们的表演艺术毕业生进入了一些全国顶尖的学校.
皇冠现金官网hgze新站 is the ideal place for high school education due to its commitment to fostering balance and educating the whole student. 非常强调学术卓越, 性格发展, 灵命成长, 还有课外活动机会, Bishop Blanchet offers a well-rounded and enriching experience that prepares 学生 for success in all aspects of life.
I 选择参加BBHS,因为它是真正的“全套”. 来自其优秀的学者,敬业的教师 & 令人惊叹的社区,我无法想象一个更好的地方度过我的高中时光. 皇冠99hg现金网提供各种各样的俱乐部 & sports, through which I knew I would be able to meet new people with similar interests. BBHS是一所为每个人提供服务的学校. 我很高兴来到这里.咪咪,圣母升天街. 布丽姬特
皇冠现金官网hgze新站将包容性作为核心价值观, 确保每个学生都感到受欢迎和接受. 有各种各样的俱乐部, 活动, 和程序, 每个人都有适合自己的东西, fostering a sense of belonging and allowing 学生 to explore their interests and passions in a supportive environment.
The Bishop Blanchet family and community 玩 a vital role in a student's high school journey, 提供一个强有力的支持系统,鼓励个人成长, 弹性, 还有归属感. The connections and relationships formed within the Bishop Blanchet family create a lifelong network of support, shaping 学生' experiences and helping them navigate challenges with confidence and grace.
我选择参加BBHS是因为我喜欢这里的社区意识. 当我访问时,老师和学生都很欢迎我, 当我真正开始进入这所学校时,这听起来是真的. I love the well roundedness of Blanchet and believe it provideD me with the most authentic high school experience.索菲娅,圣. 刘易斯